by Jarrett Williams

Tired of unprecedented events? You’re not alone! Truth is, we miss you a whole lot. Things just haven’t been the same since we had to adjust for Covid.
When the pandemic began, we knew the standard cafe model was not going to work. First, we closed our cafe and switched operations to the patio. The team stayed in shape, steaming oat milk capps inside and running them out to curbside guests. Baristas turned into logistics masterminds as we navigated how to safely operate. As with all things 2020, adapting to literally anything and everything seemed to be the only option.

Once we better understood the virus, guests were welcomed back to the warm aroma of coffee and freshly baked goods. We maintained safe operations through a mask mandate with a five-person limit and plexiglass barriers at register. It’s hard to believe how quickly things changed and how quickly our team adapted. It's not something we ever imagined, but hey, we are thankful to even be open!
Working in coffee has its perks: We sip ‘spro to our hearts content, show off our cool tattoos, and most importantly, connect with people from all over the city. One of the greatest joys of being a barista is getting to meet so many creative and passionate people. These days, working behind the plexiglass can leave us feeling as if we are in an aquarium, swimming in coffee as guests observe our habitat. While we still get to serve your favorite coffee drink, we dearly miss the deeper connection facilitated when you sat with us in the cafe.

We miss seeing you come alive as caffeine rushed through your sleepy veins. Smiles lit up the room as you took the first sip of a new slow bar offering (seriously, have you tried the Kinini yet?). And, of course, we showcased first-class latte art in ceramic cups.
We’ve become much more comfortable projecting our voices as we battle the plexiglass barrier, the masks and the symphony of brewing coffee. We ask people to repeat themselves again and again and then we laugh, because we still have no idea what they said.
People frequently ask when we will reopen cafe seating. We do our best to be optimistic, but the truth is that we simply do not know what the future has in store. The best way to be the first to know is to follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our emails.
Adversity makes the team stronger as we navigate the hardships of this season. It requires a balance of physical and mental health, not to mention the regular operation of a cafe. We rely on each other for support. We might look like serious professionals, but we are actually a bunch of goofballs at heart.
We know that for many of the people who visit us, we may be the only in-person social interaction for their day. This is a responsibility we do not take lightly, as we feel this isolation on a personal level. Greater Goods has always wanted to be a space for people to feel safe and recognized, now more than ever.
Oh yeah, then there are tips. We are immensely thankful for the generosity and consideration that goes into each tip. You may not see the effects, but tips make a huge difference in the lives of our baristas and help our continued operation. Thank you for going the extra mile to support your local baristas.
The team at Greater Goods can not fully express how thankful we are for the support from the community. Through each challenge, you have continued to encourage our team and we will always be thankful for your support. The good news? Brighter days are ahead. In the meantime, we will continue to move forward in positivity. Come say hi, tell us your favorite joke, and spend time sipping coffee on our beautiful patio!